7 Mechanic St., Jordan, NY 13080 (315) 689-7350
7 Mechanic St., Jordan, NY 13080 (315) 689-7350
Peace, Love, Coffee Shop - 7am - 4:30pm / 2 Clinton St.
Full menu plus strawberry shortcake special
Chicken Barbecue 11:30am on- take out only
First Baptist Church, 30 Clinton St.
Museum Open House - 10 am - 3pm15 Mechanic St.
Towpath Pizza 2 S. Main St. OPENING at 11 am
Pizza, fried dough
Burly’s Firehouse Pub 2 S. Main St. 12 pm on
Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, salt potatoes, sausage sandwiches
Hot Dog Stand 1:30 pm
Jordan Masonic Lodge front yard14 N. Main St.
Information: Ken Bush Jr. kenbushjr@gmail.com or (315) 689-9301
Baldwinsville Marching Bees
JE Marching Eagles
Hitmen Brass Band (Rochester)
Down Beat Percussion
Towpath Volunteers Fife & Drum Corps
Soda Ash Six
City of Syracuse Highland Pipe Band
Saxton Band
Syracuse Kiltie Pipe Band
Island Band
Feadan Or Pipe Band (Rochester)
CNY Police and Fire Band
Happy Spring! The days are longer, the flowers are blooming, and the birds are singing their sweet songs. It’s the time of year that we welcome back the sun and prepare for our 2023 Memorial Day Parade. We are excited for the return of smiling faces lining our streets as we honor those who have served. Please join us as we remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. In memory of many, In honor of all.
If you, your business, or organization is interested in participating, please contact Ken Bush, at 689-9301 or kenbushjr@gmail.com.
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